I wish to thank Siah & Phoebe for their generosity to share their 'stylishly-simple' unique wedding rings with everyone. A very lovely couple indeed. They laugh a lot and simply enjoy each other's presence very much. They are a very good example of living simple and yet enjoying the simple things in life with style.
When we delivered the completed rings to them, they were just ecstatic! We took many photographs of their happy faces. However for privacy purposes, the photo we are sharing with you is just a snapshot of their UWB on their fingers.
The first time they saw the designs, they wanted to make minor changes here and there. However after some discussions among themselves, they decided to go with the original. Seeing and feeling the real thing beats what one sees on drawing although we achieved close to 90% of actual versus visual. The 10% variance is because of the final finishing.
I am very happy that they are very happy. Look out for more from this lovely couple as we come closer to their wedding day.
All my heart,
Wendy Lor